We have various industries you can choose to work from in order to get some experience. Browse through the categories you wish to get experience in below. More categories to be added
Browse through some of the jobs we have below. If it's something you think is worth pursuing you can send your application to the company. There are paid jobs and volunteering jobs. If you choose a volunteering job you must be willing to commit the time.
Look for something that interests you in the jobs that are available. Remember no prior experience needed. On the job training will be provided.
Make sure there's a posistion available and read the description properly before submitting your resume
Submit your application and be sure to explain why you should be chosen in your motivational letter.
We don't care about your current experience because we understand you don't yet have experience and to get a job you need experience. We want to help you get the experience you need for your next job.
Get to meet amazing people and build your network
Learn practical skills you need to land a job in the industries we have available.
When you volunteer you not only get experience but you stand a chance to be hired by the company
You can start your side hustle by being a freelancer and getting paid jobs from the company you are working for.
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